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We're all Better Together.


Children are better in families.  Science confirms what we know in our hearts:  left alone or outside of family care, children suffer life-long impacts.  But with the stability, love and permanency of a forever family, children can thrive and fulfill their highest potential.  We work to ensure that every child's right to a forever family is fulfilled, and we change the systems that hinder this. 



Everyone can be part of the Better Together team.  Individuals & families, agencies & organizations, community groups & religious congregations, small businesses & large corporations -- there's a way for each of us to make a difference.  We recognize the power of a collective effort, and so together with committed people like you, we become the hands & feet, hearts & minds that work in unison toward our common mission.  Read More...


Your projects + our projects Better Together.  Better Together fields mission-driven projects with partners who are experts in their domain.  People like you register your own B2 Projects, and commit a percentage of the proceeds to go to the Better Together projects.  Individuals and organizations  contribute time & talent through their B2 Projects, and help choose which mission-driven projects to invest in.  Everybody wins. 


So what does it look like? 

Sounds good, doesn't it? 


It's simple, meaningful, and effective. 

And it works, because we're all Better Together.

Featured Project

Our newest Better Together project is a  series of short films for a chidren's home in Ecuador.  We're working with a filmmaker to produce several short films that will draw attention to the challenges -- and the beauty -- of life for kids living outside of family care.

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